Item Description

Boxers, Fight Figures and Others pictured - Joe Louis and Sid Marks
Fort Riley Boxing Team with: Frank Ulrich, Sid Poe, Clayton Belongia, Lewis Foley, Lewis Grippo, Ralph Tenerelli, George Okura, Oscar Mottor, Jay Hale, Dave See, Ralph Manaka, Tom Kimura, James King, James Wilhite, Louis O'Jibway, Frank Benpulsi, Joe Naglick, John Moore, Grant Bessey, Thomas Anderson, Jessie Young, Sid Marks
Henry Armstrong vs. Beau Jack
Year of Clipping - 1943
Vintage Original Boxing News or Publication clipping
Please enlarge images to see full text of front and back of this single page clipping.
One of a Kind. (1) Available. First come, first served.
Size - About 8 1/4" x 11 1/2" inches. May be somewhat smaller or larger based on trimming and cropping of the pictured clipping.
Condition as shown.